Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, Mother-in-Law!

I remember riding in the back seat of my parent’s car, my dad driving all three of us to the stake patriarch’s house which was perched atop a scenic desert plateau just outside of Ferron.  I was only 12 years old and couldn’t wait for my future NBA career to be announced in front of my parents.  As the patriarch began his blessing, the feelings of anticipation quickly turned from intense excitement to overwhelming adrenaline.  Through the course of the blessing many things were said, but still no confirmation of my basketball fame and glory.   Finally, he began to speak of talents I possessed.  My heart raced. I knew this was it, the moment we had all been waiting for… or at least the moment I had been waiting for.  To my disappointment, general terms were used and only one specific talent actually mentioned: music.

Music? I thought.  There must be some mistake.  My three sisters have musical talent, not me, and certainly not my brother.  It felt like someone had just let the air out of my balloon. The blessing was anticlimactic, and there had to be a mistake.  Maybe the patriarch would call me back in a few days, telling me he had forgotten something, something very important.  Well, as you might guess that phone call never came.

As I have matured over the years, my testimony has grown that the Lord loves each one of his children and wants all to return to his presence.  We are all blessed with specific gifts and talents to help build His kingdom in the last days.  We are to use our talents to bless the lives of others, both in our own families and all the rest who surround us.

Eileen is a prime example of someone who touches the lives of others through her gifts and talents.  She has obviously been given numerous talents from which we have all been blessed.  I have always been so impressed with her service-oriented mind, and her willingness to share all that she has.

Mother-in-law you have inspired me!  The first idea on your list was related to music!

 I have really grown to love music ever since that disappointing Sunday afternoon 18 years ago. Music has a huge impact on my life with its power of motivation and inspiration.  I regret to say that I have neglected to develop my musical talent for quite some time now, dating clear back to my “pre-mission life”  

So, with that in mind I have recommitted to develop this so called talent of mine, and pursue a hidden love I have, the guitar.

Though I admit I should have spent more time working on this service, I have been able to learn my first two hymns!

Trust me, it has been a lonnnnnnng time since I have picked up the old six string.  I am not merely strumming the chords when I play these hymns, but have focused on the actual tablature and finger picking of the music.

I have had so much fun doing it! It has been an interesting experience playing something from a genre I have yet to explore.  I’m use to strumming some classic rock and alternative tunes, but I felt it would be a good idea to “give back” to the one who has blessed me this talent.  

Like everyone, I am full of good intentions.  The biggest part to my service has not been realized.  I have set a personal goal to play a musical number in-front of an audience, large or small, in this upcoming year.  I am most inclined to play in a sacrament meeting. So Eileen, as soon as Megan is asked to sing again, I will spare you the task of buying a plane ticket out, and fill in with the guitar.

Thank you again for your amazing example, and for always sharing everything you have!
I love you all!  Merry Christmas and thank you for this wonderful opportunity!


1 comment:

  1. Matthew...have I told you lately how much I love you? I am so proud of you for doing this. I have always known that you had a hidden musical talent and I am looking forward to hearing the fruits of your labors. I'm not sure how you got out of playing for us at Christmas, but I can't wait for my own personal concert the next time I am in SL!
